Frequently asked questions

After placing your order you will receive a confirmation by e-mail, in which you will see an overview of your order and your order number.

Did you not receive anything? Then we recommend you to check your inbox with unwanted e-mails. Didn't receive a confirmation? Please contact us by e-mail or phone.

Please contact us by phone as soon as possible on 016/61.90.15. We will check for you whether we can still cancel your order. If so, we will confirm the cancellation and refund you as soon as possible. If your package has already been prepared for shipment, it is unfortunately no longer possible to cancel your order. In this case you can return the ordered items within 14 days. 

Good to know: you cannot cancel personalized items.

There is no minimum order. However, shipping costs are charged for orders under €250 excl. VAT. ( for a delivery address within Belgium )

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